
Availability -Predictability -Uptime

The Johoyd Support is our commitment to ensuring you get the best out of your investment in our equipment. It applies to all Johoyd customers, and gives you access to a global support network and expertise that ensures you get greater availability, predictability and uptime for the lifetime of your Johoyd instrument.



Optimize your processes, methods and workflows with advice and guidance from our specialists in materialography and hardness testing.

Global telephone support and assistance from our support network across the globe ensures issues are dealt with fast.



Improve the quality and repeatability of your results with help from our specialists in materialography and hardness testing.

An service visit by Johoyd technical service engineers ensures high predictability, long-term performance and a good return on your investment.



Rapid delivery of spare parts and fast access to an experienced technical service engineer limits downtime.

Staff training in the correct use of equipment ensures agreed uptime, quality and performance.

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our hours

Mon 11/21 - Wed 11/23: 9 AM - 8 PM
Thu 11/24: closed - Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri 11/25: 8 AM - 10 PM
Sat 11/26 - Sun 11/27: 10 AM - 9 PM
(all hours are Eastern Time)




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